EPA approves Oklahoma’s Clean-Air Plan for transport of PM 2.5 pollutants to other states. - MIRATECH

EPA approves Oklahoma’s Clean-Air Plan for transport of PM 2.5 pollutants to other states.

July 30, 2018

On July 3, 2018, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 6 announced approval of the state of Oklahoma’s clean-air plan related to transporting air pollution from fine particulate matter across state lines, known as interstate transport. EPA determined that emissions from pollution sources in Oklahoma do not contribute significantly to diminished air quality in other states.

EPA Region Six. Click image to enlarge.

“Controlling particulate matter pollution is important for public health and for maintaining air quality,” said Regional Administrator Anne Idsal. “Oklahoma has shown it’s a ‘good neighbor’ by keeping this pollution from affecting other states.”

Because air pollution does not stay within political boundaries, the Clean Air Act requires that state clean-air plans prohibit emissions that will significantly harm air quality in other states. This is commonly called transport or the “Good Neighbor” requirement. Based on submitted technical information, EPA found that emissions in Oklahoma comply with those requirements. EPA’s finding approves state law as meeting federal requirements and does not impose additional requirements.

Particulate matter, also called particle pollution, contains microscopic solids or liquids which may be harmful if inhaled. The particles can become lodged in the lungs, or can even get in your bloodstream, and cause respiratory or heart problems. People with heart or lung disease, children, and older adults are most likely to be affected by particle pollution. The particles also affect the environment, with the smallest—those less than 2.5 micrometers across also called “fine”—being the main cause of reduced visibility (haze).

What this means to you
EPA-Region 6 announced approval of the state of Oklahoma’s clean-air plan related to transporting air pollution from fine particulate matter across state lines. “Oklahoma has shown it’s a ‘good neighbor’ by keeping this pollution from affecting other states,” EPA says.

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Contact MIRATECH for help controlling particulate matter emissions in stationary engines.