UTAH: Triennial emission inventories – critical to future permitting – are due in April 15th - MIRATECH

UTAH: Triennial emission inventories – critical to future permitting – are due in April 15th

February 6, 2021

As your accounting department’s year-end gets completed in your businesses, it will be time to begin working on emission inventories.

This is a triennial reporting year, so businesses large and small will be required to report their air quality emissions for the calendar year 2020. Reports are due in Utah by April 15, 2021 according to a January 26, 2021 Trinity Consultants report. (See May 2020 Emissions Monitor: Utah proposing increased emissions reporting).

These triennial reports are critical to your future permitting, the Utah Division of Air Quality’s (UDAQ’s) air shed planning, and future rulemaking. With the nonattainment areas in Utah, whether PM2.5 or ozone, rules and requirements will continue to evolve that are critical for you to report a representative emission inventory.

As required by The Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) rule R307-150, the following sources will be required to complete triennial emission inventories by April 15, 2021:

  • Major sources
  • Large major sources
  • Sources with the potential to emit of five (5) tons or more per year of lead
  • Sources located in Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, or Weber Counties which have the potential to emit twenty-five (25) tons or more per year of any combination of oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, and PM10, or the potential to emit ten (10) tons or more per year of volatile organic compounds
  • All other Part 70 source
  • Sources with Standard Industrial Classification codes in the major group 13 that have uncontrolled actual emissions greater than one (1) ton per year for a single pollutant of PM10, PM2.5, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, carbon monoxide or volatile organic compounds.

In addition to triennial reports, a new UDAQ Ozone State Implementation Plan will require annual emission statements from sources in Ozone nonattainment areas with the potential-to-emit (PTE) of twenty-five (25) tons per year of oxides of nitrogen or volatile organic compounds.

What this means to you
Utah triennial emission inventories are critical to future permitting and are due by April 15th to the Utah Division of Air Quality according to UDAQ rule 307-150.

MIRATECH can help
Contact MIRATECH for stationary engine emission control in Utah